So today my blog will be about American Government, There were some things that I have learned about this particular subject in class today. As for most I’ve just got back into school so learning all this again is a plus for me especially the 1st, 2nd and to the 3rd amendments….etc.. So lets discuss something very interesting, What is Government? Living in this world full of all laws, Wouldn’t you want to fully understand our Government ? I DO. The government literally controls your life and I say this because with one say the world can be on lock down, With the law telling us what we should eat or even to places where we can go. People can work their heads off for junk change because their checks will go all on taxes and all kinds of fees before even receiving a payment. You can not go out and do what you want because the law says it’s forbidden and I do not mean doing a crime because I am so against that. Look at what is happening now because the Government said ” YOU MUST WEAR A MASK IN PUBLIC AND IN STORES, OR BE FINED” what do you think we must do ? We must obey the law and do as we are told. I understand It Is for our safely but my point being is the Government always has full control.

Now there are some good things in our Government that shows some gratitude as I have also learned from self experience and reading. For one they help us with school pay, such as child care, lunches when needed, Colleges , public schools and so on. We even get health care also provided by the Government which is great, so you see It’s not all that bad. We have courts, lawyers, officers who work for the government but try their best in protecting us all, There’s always the good and bad with our Government. I’m sure people know that we may be in crisis but we are getting help by the Government.

I also learned that because of the Government public goods we can fish freely and drink fresh water, we also have public school education, Mail services and national security. Now if you read on this you can view that the toll goods provide Private school education, Cable Television, and Turnpikes. I was never the one to read about Government and politics or anything in that field, It is because of this college course that has me very focus and interested in learning much more. I look forward in reading and blogging more about things I will learn in this course hope you enjoy reading my blogs.

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