Do you know there were fifty-five delegates that arrived in Philadelphia around 1787, for a meeting which was known as the Constitution Convention. People were seeking protection rights for individuals against the government abuse. Wishing that they were able to provide political rights to all free men. Those who were able to have a decision agreed upon the election of George Washington, Commander to the continental army, the hero to American Revolution. With learning more about this you will get to fully understand more about the constitution and how it was created and used, to even understanding the Bill of Rights.
After passing time twelve states discussing and debating, They came out with a work out plan to a new blueprint. This solved many conflicts between small and large states to even the northern and southern states. The constitution consist of seven articles which were divided into three branches, The Executive branch, Federal and Legislative. Each branch has been created with a system of checks and balance. They can restrict the power to others and require them to work together.