Zoom Meetings / Assignments

So today’s topic will be about zoom meetings and assignments. Being so we have everything on zoom gets a bit overwhelming, due to some video chats not functioning properly. With that happening causes classes to be cancelled and that gets irritating. One of my classes is always getting cancelled and it gets me upset because how are we every going to learn anything that way. I wish the campus was open would make things 100 times easier for us first time freshmen’s. Some days it does not even be the professor who cancels, It is totally out of their control if the link crashes. There was a time when I was just feeling to stressed about everything and was ready to drop all my classes. You know what pushed me ? My kids, If I fail myself I also fail them. I thank god that these professors are so reasonable and very understanding, Makes me happy that they work with us and also do not give any slack for missing assignments, Is why I make sure to submit all early or on time. For those who read my blogs PLEASE never give up you made it this far to fail.

Now as for assignments boy can they be tricky. There are so many that will be due around the same time frame and month, that you might start to lose focus. This is why I print and write down all my upcoming assignments that are due, this sure helps me. What is the crazy tuff part is when having to submit any work has to be done through email and I know that can get scary because what if your professor does not notice you submitted your work and gives you a failing grade then what ? This is always my fear. I know through blackboard u can submit work, Yes but only when doing a Quiz, and some professors uses message box on it as well. I am sure in due time this will eventually become easier you just need to follow your syllabus with the steps they tell you to take including assignments, and things will be very smooth.

I just had my very first Quiz with my class of introduction to criminal justice. I studied and wrote down notes I felt was needed and important and I scored a 96/100 which gave me an A. I was beyond happy and impressed with myself, this goes to show others even though things can get difficult and ruff you can do just put you full focus into your work. I always re check my course syllabus everyday to see if any changes were made, I start checking off assignments that I have finished and submitted. I think I am doing a good job even though saying how hard it can be. I chose to want this degree and this is exactly what I will accomplish. I learned to never lose hope if you do that’s where you will fall. I will look back at all my hard work and all my blogs and smile, Why ? because I made it you can too.

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