My progress so far has been better than I anticipated. I say this because I honestly believed I was not going to be as focus or I will have missing assignments in which I do not. If you been reading my blogs I had mention that I have two kids who are fully remote, that is the only reason why I thought on my end I would have slacked off with my schooling. However, this has made me stronger to push through and I am doing excellent. Not one assignment is missing, Midterms that were given are completed, and I have a good grade on my exams. My plans before was to do exactly what I am doing now, succeeding in school. The class syllabus is the main source that helps students know and understand what assignments is due and when are the midterms. To even having zoom meetings with professors is so much helpful as well, again my plans was to do everything that is needed it may be difficult with assignments due in every class almost at the same time frame but I got this. College to me is not suppose to be easy this is a challenge to accomplish especially with this pandemic and having full remote learning.

As I mentioned the syllabus is working very well for me the only issue I have is almost all assignments are due around the same time. I understand due to the ending of this semester is in December, so that gives more of a understanding to why everything is due so close in time. what I do not like is emailing professors my assignments, some wont answer stating they received it so that can be so frustrating, some professors either cancel classes almost all the time or just wont put up your grades so we can be aware that we in fact submitted our work. I do believe changing how we submit assignments will be helpful, like for example I have two classes where one is submitting all assignments on our website which is so helpful and easy, and the other class we submit our work through blackboard again so easy, giving us access to view our work and everything else that was submitted. I do think most professors should look into doing it this way it makes things easier for us all, because lets be real emailing will get overwhelming not only for us but for teachers as well. Having so many emails from students will get confusing as to who submitted and who has not so yes I do want that to change to better this remote learning situation, so in making this a successful completion things should change just a little only in not emailing work but to submit through blackboard or websites there is just so many students to receive every email and grade it. I say this because I have classes that work is emailed but I have not been graded or acknowledge on, this is what I want changed it can help us all so much.

1 thought on “CHECK IN POST…

  1. Shawna M. Brandle (she/her)

    I think your progress is awesome! You are ahead of the game on your assignments, and that is to be commended at this extremely difficult time, especially as you are not only attending school yourself but co-teaching your remote learning kids at home! I think you will find that getting ahead when you are able to is very helpful to easing the crunch of things at the end of the course. Keep up the awesome work!


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